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Padcaster & Video Production
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Toonator (handraw animations) Simple to complex animations. With login, you can save your hand drawn animations.
Making Useful Storyboards
Lots of pics
How to Hide an Ugly Background (video, film & still tips)
This article has tons of tips with pics to show you ways to hide that ugly background and make your images (still and moving) really look like a pro!
Shooting Video with a Smartphone
Shooting videos with a smartphone maximizes the tech in your pocket.
Filmland Dictionary: Exhaustive list of video, audio and film terms
This is quite a list. But, when you need to know what a term means, this is a great source.
Jargon: Glossary of Video Production Terms
Jargon is industry specific language used by people in that industry. It can be a mix of technical terms, slang, and common words used in new ways. This is an intro list.
Basic Grid Composition
This works for video and photography.
Teacher Site: Kid Vid in Classroom
It's no secret - good teachers and video producers use a script, or at least a lesson plan.
Video Production for Kids
Beginning tutorials
Padcaster Link
Padcaster takes an ipad and turns it into a video camera and mic.
Padcaster Setup videos
mostly videos for setup for various configurations and components
Animate on ABCYA
simple animations
Toonator (handraw animations)
Simple to complex animations. With login, you can save your hand drawn animations.
Animatron Animations (Free Trial)
Animatron has a free trial. It does require a login, which requires an email address.