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School Choice Open Enrollment

Oakcliff Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

STEM Kickoff

STEM Kick Off Day!

Friday, September 2, 2016 - Oakcliff Traditional Theme School held its STEM KICKOFF DAY!

First, classes attended an assembly presented by Mr. Miah "Water Water Everywhere" about the Bangladeshi clean water crisis. Mr. Miah's story inspired GET PUMPED! A collaborative fund raising endeavor to purchase water pumps for villages around the world who are in desperate need of clean water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.

After the assembly presentation, all classes rotated to the

  • Lego in the gym
  • Their own classroom to do a STEM Mini burst activity, or to begin their STEM Challenge Unit.

Throughout the day, classes rotated through one of 4 stations set up around the school.

  • Coding in the Library. Ms. Miller led the Coding hands-on presentation - turning students from consumers into producers of video games and all things coded. Ms. Miller spoke with each teacher in an informal PL session explaining how coding assignments in the curriculum could make technology integration for assignments in ways previously inconceivable.
  • Movie Maker in the Computer Lab. Mrs. Karvis led the Movie Maker hands-on presentation - turning students from consumers into producers of all things video. Mrs. Karvis 
  • 3-D Modeling in Mr. Clancy's Science Lab. Students learned techniques for making 3-dimensional models to assist them in the engineering design process utilized in the STEM Process.
  • Makey Makey in the Mrs. Crabb's Music Room. Students used carrots and celery with the Makey Makey device. 

 Videos are forthcoming. Mr. Clancy and Ms. Miller worked diligently to get the Padcaster to livestream for the afternoon culminating event, but the livestream was unsuccessful due to technical problems in the livestreaming. All is not lost!  Mr. Clancy and his trusted crew of Safety Patrols shot hours of action video and interviews. It will be compiled for viewing pleasure soon. 

Photo Caption: Left: Makey-Makey.  Right: Coding in Javascript using Blockly on's Course 2; students practiced the repeat command to make "beautiful code."