Oakcliff Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Get Pumped Celebration with the Miah Family


Greetings all,

I have to take another moment and thank everyone involved with our GET PUMPED fundraiser this school year. I want to start with Ms. Karvis!!! Since Day 1, Ms. Karvis has made it her priority that our GET PUMPED campaign was off and running! She gathered a team together, and there was no stopping them once they started. With her vision and dedication, today's assemblies were awesome, and very well organized. Thanks Ms. Lembach for being a great "mistress of ceremonies" (the blue pumps were a great touch!) and selling COLD water each day, thanks Ms. Miller for assisting with counting money and getting today's videos together, thanks Ms. Weiner for meeting Ms. Rahman from UNICEF and bringing her to our school, thanks Ms. Balaun for organizing Trick or Treat for UNICEF, and of course a huge thanks to our students and staff for your support of our school-wide fundraiser for Bangladesh...this is just the beginning!!!!!